The presence of 13 operational ports along a 2,630 km-long eastern coastline (from West Bengal to
Tamil Nadu) continues to offer significant development opportunity for investment in maritime sector. More
ports in both public and private domain are planned in almost all the states on the east coast. Capacity
expansion on all counts of bulk, Ro-Ro and container is progressing at breakneck speed. Some of the
major ports have shown dramatic turnaround in their performance. Ministry of Shipping has put in a time
bound plan in place to improve the capacities and efficiencies at major ports.

Sizeable investments are planned in states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, which could trigger of
manufacturing activity on the coast leading to increase in cargo traffic. Coastal movement is picking up

Maritime business on the East Coast plays a pivotal role in India’s steady and stable economic growth.
Trade through major ports on the East Coast witnessed a decent growth of 5.7% during 2014-15 FY
against 2013-14 FY. Growth in trade on the West Coast is little less when compared with East Coast
(3.7%) during 2014-15 FY against 2013-14 FY. East Coast manages almost 50% (290.15 million tonnes)
of total traffic (581.34 million tonnes) handled at all major ports across Indian coastal line. As per the
recently drafted policy reforms, the shipping ministry is planning to provide special attention to private
ports development, mechanization of ports, incentivising the coastal shipping and growth in the
manufacturing sectors to further augment the growth of East Coast maritime trade. Upcoming industrial
corridors, dedicated freight corridors, planned ports/terminals and new dry ports will also append to the
growth of East Coast business. Contribution from all the above said factors will definitely spur further
development in the Eastern Coast of India.